Hi, I am Jérôme Cavaillès!

I am a mathematician pursuing a Ph.D. in biology/ecology. I develop mathematical models to understand how ecosystems are structured to cope with environmental changes. My ultimate goal is to contribute to a transdisciplinary theory that elucidates the behavior of organisms in changing environments. My main inquiry is: What strategies do organisms employ to thrive in dynamic environments? My approach involves modeling specific puzzles within relevant fields like ecology, ideally with practical applications for everyday life. Step by step, I aim to assimilate different concepts, such as disturbances or self-regulations, into a more general formal framework.


Tree geometry

On this blog, I want to share different concepts about mathematical modeling, ecology theory and complex system. For example, on the right, we aim to replicate a tree's shape by capitalizing on the similarity in branching processes across different scales. By observing a tree, we note that from the trunk, multiple branches emerge, each akin to a small trunk giving rise to smaller branches. This recursive principle guides the iterative operation, creating progressively smaller branches.

The animation allows adjusting parameters like "iterations" to draw more branches, "decay" to signify scale differences, and "angle" to specify the branching angle.
Other articles



Epidemic model

An interactive guide showcasing the importance of differential equations.

forest fire

Forest fires

How to optimize wood production without risking a wildfire?


Scientific resources

Selection of interesting ressources.

tree fractal

Tree geometry

Modeling the geometry of a tree using fractals.


This site is under construction, and I greatly appreciate all opinions, remarks and advice to improve its clarity and pedagogy. Please feel free to share your ideas for articles or new simulations. I'd be delighted to interact with you to integrate them into the site. Thank you in advance for your valuable contribution!
