
This YouTube channel offers visually stunning animated visualizations for a simplified understanding of mathematics, tackling complex problems through changes in perspective.

Stockholm Resilience Centre TV

The Stockholm Resilience Centre, situated at Stockholm University, stands as a global leader in research, dedicated to unraveling the intricate sustainability challenges confronting humanity. The YouTube channel provides a variety of scientific content covering various topics around sustainability.

Santa Fe Institute

The Santa Fe Institute, a multidisciplinary research institute specializing in the study of complex systems, shares conferences and podcasts on their YouTube channel.


This podcast hosted by Michael Garfield at the Santa Fe Institute engages in profound discussions with a network of scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, and artists who are pioneering new frameworks to unravel the deepest mysteries of our universe.

Selection of moocs

Here’s a selection of MOOCs in English that I’ve enjoyed. MOOC stands for “Massive Open Online Course”. I see these courses as complementary to the classic courses offered in traditional institutions. Indeed, MOOCs are often introductory in nature and don’t go into any great depth. However, thanks to the wide variety of MOOCs available on the net, everyone has the opportunity to explore the subjects that intrigue them.

Game theory
Game theory involves examining mathematical models that represent strategic interactions among - rational or not - agents. Widely applied in various social science fields, it finds extensive use in economics, logic, systems science, and computer science, but also in biology. This course provides a solid introduction to the theory.

The Santa Fe Institue provides also several courses and tutorials about complexity related topics, such as: Introduction to Complexity, Fractals and Scaling, Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos, and Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches.

Selection of interactive website

complexity explorables
According to Dirk Brockmann, the author of this website, complexity-explorables is “A collection of interactive explorable explanations of complex systems in biology, physics, mathematics, social sciences, epidemiology, ecology and other fields….”

This game guides you through the step-by-step reconstruction of geometric shapes, beginning with very simple ones. I find its beauty in its elegance. The game serves as an illustration of the deductive construction inherent in mathematics.

Statistics and probability are frequently used and unfortunately often misused in daily life. This website provides insightful visualizations to enhance understanding of these theories.

To see after:

If you understand the language of René Descartes, you may want to explore the selection of scientific resources in French.